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Dry Grinding Attritor

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MIKRONS® Dry grinding attritors features a unique design that includes a new shaft configuration and side discharge screen wherein smaller size grinding media is used and made to agitate at higher speeds, generating a large quantity of micron sized products continuously.

The shaft RPM of this series ranges from 600 to 1400.

Dry Grinding Attritors provide fast, efficient dry grinding, resulting in extremely fine material measured in microns.

  • All models equipped with ammeter.
  • When metal contamination must be eliminated, tank liners and arm sleeves of various ceramics can be applied.
  • Cover seals can be provided for conditions where dust control is desired, or where grinding must be done under a closed system.
  • Torque meter is available including torque and speed read-out.
  • Media discharge valves can also be installed.
  • Variable frequency drives and controls are available
  • Inert gas atmosphere can be created
Continuous Dry milling attritor
Dry Grinding Attritors can be operated in both continuous and batch processing applications. In the continuous operation, the material is fed into the vessel at the top. It then migrates through the agitating media bed where it is processed to a desired particle size and is discharged through metering bar grids at the bottom of the tank.
Batch Dry milling attritor
In the batch mode, material is charged into the mill at the top, ground for a predetermined time, and then discharged through grids at the bottom. The system can easily be sealed for grinding under inert gases such as nitrogen or argon.
Applications for Dry Grinding Attritors
  • Ceramic Powders
  • Glass frits
  • Metal powders
  • Mechanical alloying
  • Metal oxides
  • Fibers and cellulose
  • Food products
  • Ferrite
  • Pigments
  • Minerals
  • Coal and coke
  • Graphite
  • Plastics and rubbers
  • Chemicals

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